Hack This Site: Basic Web Challenges – Level 2

Hello world and welcome to haxez, today we are going to be looking at the basic web challenge level 2 on Hack This Site. Hack This Site is a website that allows you to test out your web application security skill by taking on various challenges. If you haven’t already done so, go and check my post on Level 1.

After logging in to Hack This Site, navigate to the basic challenges and select level 2. You should see the following image. These challenges are fairly simple and should only require a basic knowledge of web application security testing. The first challenge only required you to view the page source of the application to solve it. This challenge is no different.

Hack This Site Basic Level 2
Hack This Site Basic Level 2

It says “Network Security Sam set up a password protection script. He made it load the real password from an unencrypted text file and compare it to the password the user enters. However, he neglected to upload the password file…”

Solving HTS Basic 2

So what this means is that there is no password file to check the user submitted password against. One would hope that this would mean it was an automatic failure. Unfortunately not, if you are entering nothing, and comparing it to nothing then it’s going to be correct.

So, As there is no password file, there is no password to check so submitting the form with an empty password will be authenticated.

Congratulations, you have just completed level 2.

This challenge may seem a bit silly but you would be surprised at how often simple things are overlooked with authentication mechanics and access control restrictions. When testing a web application, always go through and test without usernames and passwords, default credentials and commonly used credentials. Anyway, thats all for this post. I hope it helped you solve it and move on to the next one.

Hack This Site: Basic Web Challenges – Level 1

Hello world and welcome to haxez. This post is about web hacking and walks through the basic challenge level 1 on Hack This Site. This is a short and sweet article today as I’m going away for the weekend. This challenge is fairly easy even for the less computer literate. The purpose of this challenge is to get the user to view the source code of the application in order to retrieve the poorly hidden password. After creating an account and logging in, head over to the basic challenges and go to basic challenge 1. You should be greeted with a screen like the one below.

Hack This Site view page source
Hack This Site view page source

Basic 1 Page Source

This challenge is a basic challenge that asks you find the hidden password for the input box on the page. One of the most fundamental skills in web application testing is to view the page source. This can easily be achieved by right clicking on the page and selecting view page source from the context menu. Once you have the page source window open, you should see a lot of code.

You can manually look through the code or you can hit control and F and that should bring up the search box. Once the search box is up, you should be able to search for the word password and the search facility should automatically jump you to the section of code that contains the password.

Hack This Site basic 1 search for password
Hack This Site searching for password

As you can see from the snippet of code below, you should be able to retrieve the password and submit it to the application. The password is 0c620cce.

Hack This Site Basic 1 Page Source
Hack This Site Basic 1 Page Source

Congratulations, you have completed Basic challenge 1. I know this one was very easy but I love Hack This Site and didn’t feel that my blog would be complete without it.

Hack This Site Basic 1 congrats