Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 7

Hell world, welcome to haxez. We have done it, we have made it to the Javascript 7 mission or the last Javascript mission on Hack This Site. After all those other missions I feel like I’m a scripting savant. Ok maybe not, but progress is progress. Furthermore, once we have completed this mission, we can move on to other more exciting missions. This mission is a lot like one of the previous missions that we did. However, instead of the password being encoded or obfuscated, this time the whole script is obfuscated.

Javascript 7 Mission description
JS Obfuscation FTW

Javascript 7 Introduction

Navigating to the mission we can see a password input form. There isn’t much more information than that other than the title and a thank you message to the creator. If we submit test data to the password input form then we will get an incorrect error message. In order to see what’s going on, we need to view the page source of the application.

Javascript 7 Password Submission Form
Password Submission Form

The Javascript

As you can see from the image below, the script appears to be garbled data. It’s all X’s followed by two-digit numbers. We could attempt to decode it online but there is a far easier solution. All we need to do is to right-click the Check Password button and inspect the functionality behind that.

Obfuscated Javascript
Obfuscated Javascript

The Button Javascript

As you can see from the screenshot below, inspecting the button shows us the Javascript that is powering it. The Javascript is checking the value of user-submitted value ‘pass‘ to see whether it matches the value ‘j00w1n‘. If the values match then we get an alert saying “You WIN!”. If it doesn’t match then we get a message saying “WRONG! Try Again”.

The Button — Javascript
The Button — Javascript

The Javascript 7 Solution

Therefore, in order to complete this mission and to complete the Javascript series. All you need to do is submit the value ‘j00w1n‘ to the password form. As you can see from the image below, we get the alert box that tells us that we have successfully completed the mission.

The Solution
The Solution

Alernative Method

I’m sure the developers didn’t intend for this mission to be this easy. I fully believe that they wanted us to deobfuscate the code. So for that reason, the screenshot below shows me deobfuscating the code using the GCHQ tool CyberChef. As you can see from the screenshot, the output shows the button value with the password.


Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 6

Hello world, welcome to haxez where today we’re going to solve Javascript Mission 6 on Hack This Site. This challenge isn’t too difficult provided you pay attention to the details. The mission takes the script from a previous mission and attempts to distract you with it. However, hidden on another page of the application is the correct script that is being used to authenticate.

Javascript 6 go go away .js
go go away .js

The Javascript 6 Mission

Navigating to the mission we see the expected password submission form. However, instead of Faith, this time we have a message saying that Fiftysixer has decided to try creating some Javascript. It explains that he forgot to remove the previous code. This has made the new code more confusing but apparently, Fiftysixer likes it that way. We can submit test data to the form but we get an incorrect error message.

The Password Form
The Password Form

The Javascript

If we view the Javascript we can see that it looks a lot like the script we had for a previous mission. This script tried to trick us by comparing a variable with a string rather than assigning the string to the variable. The solution to that mission was ‘moo'. However, if we submit ‘moo‘ to the password form, we still get an incorrect error message. Notably, there is a link to what appears to be another Javascript file called checkpass.js. Furthermore, the name suggests that it may have something to do with the password checking functionality.

The Javascript
The Javascript

The Real Javascript

If we navigate to the script in the URL we can see that it does appear to be the correct script for checking the password. As you can see from the image below, the javascript is declaring three variables and assigning them values.

moo = "pwns";
rawr = "moo";

I’m not too familiar with Javascript syntax but I wonder whether the lack of spaces in the declaration of ‘dairycow‘ is significant in any way. After the variable declaration, we have a function to check the password. It states that if the value submitted by the user is the same as the value of ‘rawr‘ and ‘moo‘ then we win. If not then we lose. It is important to note that there are also speech marks between ‘rawr‘ and ‘moo‘ so we need to ensure that we have a space in our submission.

The Real Javascript
The Real Javascript

The Javascript 6 Solution

So that’s all we need to do to solve the mission. Submit ‘moo pwns‘ as the password and you should complete the mission. Congratulations.

How did you do that
How did you do that

Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 5

Hello World, welcome to haxez where today we will be looking at the Javascript Mission 5 on Hack This Site. This mission was a lot of fun and even gave me an excuse to use the GCHQ CyberChef tool to deobfuscate some encoded text. The mission is fairly simple provided you know what to do with the data that you find.

Javascript 5 Escape

The Javascript 5 Mission

Upon navigating to the mission we are greeted with a password input form and some text asking if Faith spelled Runescape wrong. This comes into play a bit later as it is referencing a Javascript function that is used to encode or decode text. We could input some text into the password form and submit it but without the correct text, we will get an error message to notify us that the password is wrong.

The Mission
The Mission

The Javascript 5

However, If we inspect the password form or view the page source we can see the Javascript. Furthermore, the first part of the script is declaring a variable named ‘moo‘ and says that it is equal to unescape. The ‘unescape()‘ function computes a new string in which hexadecimal escape sequences are replaced with the character that it represents. In addition to the declaration of the ‘moo‘ variable and the ‘unescape’ function we have the following encoded string ‘%69%6C%6F%76%65%6D%6F%6F‘.

The Javascript
The Javascript

Javascript Deobfuscation

In order to decode the string, we can use our favorite Government developed decoding tool, CyberChef. Surprisingly, CyberChef works really well considering it came from the public sector (please don’t arrest me). As can be seen from the image below, the interface is simple. You choose a recipe, then paste in your encoded text, and then it works its magic and decodes it for you. It even has a magic recipe that will automatically detect what you’re inputting. It really is a great application.


The Solution

As shown above, the decoded text turns out to be ‘ilovemoo‘. If you submit that to the password form then you should complete the mission.


Congratulations you have now completed Javascript mission 5.


Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 4

Hello world, welcome to haxez where today we will be solving Hack This Site Javascript Mission 4. This mission is a little deceptive due to the way that the Javascript is written. To put it another way, this mission intentionally tries to trick you into thinking the value of a variable is something else. However, our keen attention to detail is enough to complete the mission.

Javascript 4
Javascript 4

The Mission

The mission is called Var which we can deduce means we’re going to be working with variables again. As can be seen from the image below, the message reads “Faith is trying to trick you… she knows that you’re tired after all the math works”. To sum up, Faith is going to going to attempt some shinanigans to prevent us from completing this mission. We can test the form with random data to see what happens but as expected, we just get an alert informing us that it is incorrect.

The Mission
The Mission

The Javascript 4

If we inspect the page we can see the script that is powering the functionality. This is where the first deception comes in. If you view the page source instead of inspecting the element, you may not notice that the first variable is being set. The image below shows that the first variable is being set on the far right. It’s probably a bit to small to see though.

Hidden Moo
Hidden Moo

However, if we inspect the script you will see that at the very start of the script, we can see that the value ‘moo‘ is being assigned to the variable ‘RawrRawr‘. Next, we can see that a function called ‘x‘ is being created where the value of ‘hack_this_site‘ is being added to the variable ‘+RawrRawr+‘. Then again, perhaps it isn’t. If we look at how the ‘moo‘ is being assigned to ‘RawrRawr‘ we only see one equal sign. In javascript, a double equals sign acts as an operator to compare two values so all that’s happening here is that ‘hack_this_site‘ is being compared to ‘RawrRawr‘.

The Javascript
The Javascript

The Solution

The value of ‘RawrRawr‘ is still moo, let’s see what the script does next. The script has an if statement that compares ‘x‘ to an empty value between two speech marks plus the value of ‘RawrRawr‘. So in essence, the script is checking the value of ‘x‘ against nothing plus ‘moo‘ as ‘moo‘ was set earlier. Therefore, the password to complete the mission should be moo. Input that in to the box and click submit to score.

The Solution
The Solution

Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 3

Hello world, welcome to HaXeZ where today we’re going to be solving the Javascript 3 mission on Hack This Site. Judge me how you will but I have to admit that I learned a lot from this challenge. My time at school was less than ideal so I didn’t go very often. Unfortunately, this meant I missed out on a lot of important subjects including mathematics. I hadn’t even heard of BODMAS until today and I’m 35. I have no idea how I’ve made it this far in computing without knowing it. This challenge is fairly simple provided you know how variables work and know maths.

Javascript 3 Math Time
Math Time

The Javascript 3

Looking at the code below we can see that we need to submit a password that is the same length as the value of the variable ‘moo‘. We know this because of the if statement that requires ‘x.length == moo‘ for us to get the alert that we have won the mission. In order to get the value of ‘moo‘, we need to perform some calculations to work out the value.

The Javascript 3
The Javascript

The Mathamatics

Ok, let’s break down the maths.

The value of ‘foo‘ is 47 Because of the BODMAS calculation 6 * 7 + 5.
The value of ‘bar‘ is 7 Because it’s the Modulus remainder of 47 divided by 8
Therefore, the value of ‘moo‘ is 14 because the value of ‘bar‘ is 7 and the value of ‘moo‘ is ‘bar‘ * 2.

We can discard the value of ‘rar‘ because ‘rar‘ is not used anywhere during the calculation. Therefore, we are left with the value 14. We know that the password submission form requires our input to be the same length as ‘moo‘. In essence, we should be able to submit any 14 characters to complete the mission.

The Mathematics
The Mathematics


After submitting 14 characters to the password submission form, you should complete the challenge. That’s all there is to it. However, if you don’t know about BODMAS, which I didn’t, and if you didn’t know that a percentage sign in programming means Modulo or remainder then it could be difficult.


Come back next time for Javascript 4.

Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 2

Hello World, welcome to haxez where today we’re looking at Hack This Site Javascript Mission 2. For this mission, we only need to change a setting within our browser or install a plugin. As a result, we disable Javascript which allows us to complete the mission. As can be seen from the image below, the mission is called Disabled Javascript and supposedly has a script that redirects to log out hackers.

Javascript 2 Disable Javascript
Disable Javascript

Javascript 2 Scripting Enabled

As a result, navigating to the mission will prompt an error message saying we need to try again because we didn’t disable Javascript. To complete this mission, we need to disable the script doesn’t run and we don’t get “logged out”.

Try Again
Try Again

Disabling Javascript

In order to disable the script, we can install a browser plugin or we can head to our browser settings. I’m using Firefox so the setting we need is in 'about:config'. Head to ‘about:config‘ in your browser and search for Javascript. You should see an enabled option with the value set to true. Click the little arrow icons and change the value to false. There are plenty of guides out there for other browsers or you can search the browsers store for a plugin that disables it.

Disabling Javascript
Disabling Javascript

Scripting Disabled

Now that it’s disabled, we can head back to the mission and click the ‘here’ hyperlink to take the mission. This time you shouldn’t see an error. You should see another link that says “Click here to win”. Click that link and you should then see the image below congratulating you on completing the challenge.

Scripting Disabled
Scripting Disabled


There isn’t much to say about this one honestly. It’s a good mission to teach the user how to disable and enable client-side scripting in your browser. Client-side scripting is responsible for a number of attacks like Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and when combined with other vulnerabilities can cause a lot of problems. Anyway, I’ve passed this post out as much as possible but there isn’t much more I can say so… thanks for reading.

Hack This Site: Javascript Mission – Level 1


Hello world, welcome to haxez, where we will be working out Javascript Mission Level 1 on Hack This Site. We’ve just completed the realistic missions and I thought it was time to take a break and do something a little less intense. So without further ado, let’s get started. Upon navigating to the mission, we get a title called the Idiot Test (very appropriate for me I assure you). Based on the information we have, it sounds like Faith with a small f (bug report submitted) is learning Javascript. Let’s go and take a look at it.

Javascript 1 Idiot Test
Idiot Test

Testing The Javascript 1

When we follow the link to the mission, we’re greeted with a title of Javascript Mission 1 and a password submission form. Furthermore, if we input data into the form (incorrect data), we get a javascript alert window pop up telling us we fail. Ordinarily, Javascript is a client-side language (runs un the user’s browser), we can’t intercept this request and brute force it. That also means we can view the script and see what it’s doing.

Javascript 1 You fail
You fail

Analyzing The Javascript

As shown below, In order to find out what the script is doing, we need to view the page source and locate the code. Overall, the quickest way to do this is to right-click inside the password form and click inspect. As can be seen, that should take you directly to the code powering the form. As illustrated in the image below, the Javascript code is checking if the variable ‘x‘ is equal to cookies. If the value is equal to cookies then an alert box will pop up saying “win”. If the value is not equal to cookies then we get an alert box pop up saying “fail”.

Page Source
Page Source

Bribing With Cookies

In order to pass this mission, all we need to do is submit the value cookies into the password submission form. Yes, it really is that simple and could be completed without even understanding the code. So, input the word cookies in to the password submission form and click submit.


As promised, upon doing so you will receive a pop-up box claiming that you win.

You Win
You Win

Well thats it.

Hack This Site: Realistic Web Mission – Level 16

Hello world, welcome to haxez where today we’re looking at the last realistic 16 web application mission from Hack This Site. This mission was difficult for all the wrong reasons. It wasn’t because it was designed in a challenging way. No, it was because it uses Adobe Flash which has been dead for a while now. The challenge itself was a lot of fun despite the technical problems encountered along the way. I don’t know why I’m complaining honestly, I learned an additional nugget of information along the way.

Realistic 16 Mission
Realistic 16

Realistic 16 Introduction

We receive a message from someone who neglected to leave their name. The message explains that they suspect that their girlfriend is cheating on them. Furthermore, they have noticed that their girlfriend is using simplemail.com a lot. They suggest that it could be the way his girlfriend is messaging her secret lover. We’ve been asked to hack in to simplemail and read his girlfriends emails. Not trying to be a warrior of virtue or anything but under normal circumstances this would be a pass from me.

Message From Concerned Boyfriend
Message From Concerned Boyfriend

Exploring The Realistic 16 Web Application

Upon navigating to the application we’re greeted with a lovely lime green decore that is reminiscent of the old KazaA downloading application. During the Degeneration X days of the internet, Limewire and KazaA were the go to downloading applications. Alas, The application has a number of options that allow you to register, login, search and perform other activities. I genuinely like the look and feel of this application.

Realistic 16  Simple Mail Web Application
Simple Mail Web Application

Scouring The Source

First things first, lets view what’s under the hood of this beautifully decorated vintage application. It’s mostly just what you would expect. However, there are a few comments that jump out at me. As you can see from the screenshot below, there is a comment that mentions an admin login. Lets head over to the URL and see what’s occurring.

Realistic 16  Web Application — Page Source
Web Application — Page Source

Deadend or Detour?

Well that’s not something you see everyday. The login page uses Adobe Flash which hasn’t been supported by browsers since *googles it* December 31’st 2020. Ok, it hasn’t been dead that long but it’s surprising how Adobe Flash already feels like a relic of the ancient internet.

Realistic 16  Simple Mail Flash Requirement
Simple Mail Flash Requirement

As we know, most browsers don’t support Adobe Flash anymore. I tried to install an older version of Firefox first to get it working but didn’t have much luck. After a bit of googling, I stumbled upon the miracle that is Ruffle. I did try a number of other plugins first but none of them seemed to do the trick. Ruffle however, was amazing and did it’s job perfectly.

Realistic 16  Ruffle

Web Browser Meet Ruffle

As Ruffle isn’t on any of the default plugin stores for the popular browsers yet, you need to download it and add it yourself manually. In order to do this in the Firefox web-browser you need to head to about:debugging in the URL. Then click This Firefox, and then select Load Temproary Add-ons and navigate to the file you downloaded. With that file loaded, we should now be able to access the URL.

Realistic 16  Web Application With Flash
Web Application With Flash

Realistic 16 Intercepting Web Requests

Before you continue, make sure you have your favorite web application penetration testing tool (Burp Suite) open and configured to intercept traffic. Then populate the Username and Password forms with test data and click submit. Inspec the request as it comes in to Burp and you will notice it is sending a GET request to a config.txt file. This suggest to me that the login form is checking something inside the config.txt before attempting to authenticate us.

Realistic 16  Burp Suite Intercepted Auth Request
Burp Suite Intercepted Auth Request

Registering For Web Mail

Now we know a little bit about how the admin login works, lets register our own account and see if there is anything interesting there. I registered the user of test with the password of test because who cares about username and password complexity requirements anyway. Upon logging in, I had a look around and noticed that we had the ability to edit our profile. If we view the page source of this application we notice that it links to an edit.php page. If we click the link for edit.php to view the source of that page we notice that our profile configuration is stored in the following location /users/username/config.txt

Edit Profile
Edit Profile

Registering A Diretory Traversal

We know that our profile is stored in config.txt and that the admin authentication script was checking a config.txt file in the root directory (a directory, or two? above us). Perhaps we can register a user with a directory traversal for the username so that when we edit our profile, we end up editing the admin config.txt. Well, that’s exactly what we need to do. Logout and head to the register page and register a user with the username ‘..‘. You will get an error message saying it was unable to create the email address, but you will get a conflicting messaging saying the registration was a success.

Registering Directory Traversal
Registering Directory Traversal

Admin Authenticiation

With our newly created user, we need to head back to the edit profile page. This time we’re going to use the edit profile to edit the config.txt file in the root directory. We need to input the following value in to the ‘auth_page=config.txt&authed=true&‘ which is going to allow us to authenticate.

Editing Profile
Editing Profile

Admin Access

Ok, now that we have done that. Logout and head back to the admin URL and login with the other account we created. I used username test and password test. We shouldn’t revive an error message this time. Instead we should be redirected to the admin panel. The admin panel has a number of options including one that lets us read users emails. However upon submitting our clients girlfriends email address, we get an error message saying that the feature has been disabled for user privacy.

Admin Panel
Admin Panel

F**king Flash!

If we view the page source again we can see that this “Check Email” functionality is being provided by another Flash .swf file.

Web Application Page Source
Web Application Page Source

This is the part where we need to switch to our Linux Virtual Machine. We need to run a wget on the file and then disassemble it to see what’s going on. Fire up your linux terminal and run the following wget command. However, if you run in to errors advising you that the HackThisSite SSL certificate has expired (like I did), then you will need to tell wget to skip SSL checks. I will let you google that one.

wget https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/16/check_email.swf

Realistic 16 Dissasembling Flash

Now we need to disassemble the Flash file, to do this I used the tool swfmill to convert it to an XML file. Once the Flash file is an XML file, we can look through it to find out why it isn’t letting us check users emails. Or better yet, we can find how it would check the users emails and we can use that instead. The command to convert the SWF to XML is as follows:

swfmill swf2xml check_email.swf test.xml

You can then grep the XML for PHP and and you should find the following reference in the file.


With some minor adjustments, we can append the link to the Hack This Site URL and solve the challenge.

https://www.hackthissite.org/missions/realistic/16/check_email.php?auth=true&id=63a4bf12cd&[email protected]

And that’s it, you have now completed the final realistic mission of the series, congratulations. On to the next set of missions.


Hack This Site: Realistic Web Mission – Level 15

Hello friend, welcome to haxez where today we’re looking at the Hack This Site insane difficulty realistic web mission 15. This mission has a lot of breadcrumbs that we need to follow in order to complete it. It’s much more complex than any other mission and I convinced the person who created just wanted to make people suffer.

First, it requires attacking an encrypted zip file with a known plain text attack. Second, you need to modify your requests to log in to the internal message system as an admin. Third, you need to exploit a PHP authentication script to gain access to a PHP shell. Fourth, you need to perform a buffer overflow on another authentication script to gain access to the patents page.

Realistic 15 Seculas Ltd
Seculas Ltd

Realistic 15 Introduction

So, we’ve received a message from HTML that Seculas Ltd has developed a new laser-guided weapon. HTML has sought our elite hacking services to hack in and steal the patent for the new weapon. HTML also explains that their new developer in charge of the website is the type of person to leave the backdoor open.

Realistic 15 Message From html
Message From html

Exploring The Realistic 15 Web Application

Upon navigating to the web application, we are greeted with a sleek website that advertises its tools of warmongering. There are a number of pages include products, questions, imprint, and jobs. The questions and jobs pages have forms that we can fill out and submit back to the server.

Realistic 15 Web Application
Web Application

If we view the page source of the index page we immediately see what appears to be a username of 'webadmin‘ with a real name of Susy Slack. We should make note of this as it may come in handy later.

Realistic 15 Page Source
Page Source

Figuring Out Forms

As mentioned previously, there is a questions page and a jobs page. Both of which have forms that can be filled out and sent back to the server. After filling out and sending off the “questions” form, nothing spectacular happens. However, after filling out the job application form, we notice a difference in the coding.

Job Application Form
Job Application Form

The .gif file that is being loaded to indicate that the form has been sent, is loading from a different location to the one on the “Questions” form. This gif appears to be loading from a directory called _backups_. The image below shows the page source of the application once the Jobs form has been completed and sent.

Realistic 15 Job Application Page Source
Job Application Page Source

If we navigate to the backup directory we get a directory listing with zip file named backup. This is a perfect example of why having directory listing enabled is a bad idea. It provides the threat actor with a wealth of knowledge about the structure of the application. Furthermore, backups should not be saved on the same server being backed up. Nor should they be saved in a directory that’s public. In the event of a drive failure, that backup is completely useless. Also, having the backup archive public means any old Joe could download and view its contents.

Directory Listing
Directory Listing

Realistic 15 Web Application Backup

If we download and try to open the backup file, we are prompted to input a password. No!, a password-protected zip archive, my only weakness! Honestly, this did actually give me some issues initially. At first, I attempted to use zip2john to capture the password hash and crack it. It appeared to grab the hash but cracking it proved difficult.

Realistic 15 Zip File Password Required
Zip File Password Required

The good thing (or bad depending on who you are) about password-protected zip archives, is that we can see the contents. Inside this particular zip, is a file called index.htm. If this is the index.htm of the main site we’re attacking then we have some known plain text. If we have encrypted files but know the contents of one of the files then we can perform a known-plaintext attack. It’s a bit like how Alan Turing and the Bletchley team deciphered the Enigma machine and beat the Nazis during World War 2. If you know a portion of the text of an encoded document. You can use that text to decode the rest of the encoded text.

Zip File Listing
Zip File Listing

Cracking The Backup

In order to crack the backup.zip, all we need to do is grab a copy of the index.htm page. Once we have that page, we can compress it using the same method used to compress the encrypted backup.zip. Then we can compare the two zip archives using ‘pkcrack‘ and decrypt the encrypted version. First, grab a copy of the index.htm page by navigating the home page and right-clicking, and choosing save as (make sure you save HTML only). Second, create a new zip archive using WinAce with the following parameters:

Archive type: Zip
Compression: Maximum
Encryption Method: 256-Bit AES Encryption
Realistic 15 Creating Duplicate Zip File
Creating Duplicate Zip File

Third, compare the two archives and make sure that the compressed size of both the index.html files is the same. If the compression and encryption methods used are different from the ones on the encrypted archive, then it won’t work.

Comparing Zip Files
Comparing Zip Files

Fourth, master Linux, install pk-crack, and crack the zip archive. Ok, going through it step by step is a bit beyond the scope of this walkthrough. However, if you’ve made it to this mission then you should be able to git clone a repository. Follow the instructions on git to build it then run ‘pkcrack‘ to compare the two files. You should receive an unencrypted output zip file that contains the contents of the encrypted zip file.

sudo ./pkcrack -C /media/sf_OneDrive/backup.zip -c "misc (files from different folders)/index.htm" -P /media/sf_OneDrive/index.zip -p index.htm -d decrypted_file -a
pk-crack Cracking Zip File
pk-crack Cracking Zip File

Web Application Message System

With the output, we can now look through the files. If we open the PHP files in the internal_messages directory we can see that the ‘msgshow.php‘ file references an ‘internal_messages.php‘ file.

Realistic 15 msgshow.php Code
msgshow.php Code

If we navigate to the ‘internal_messages.php‘ page, we can see that there is in fact an internal messages system that requires a password to access it.

Internal Messages
Internal Messages

This is where things get a bit confusing. If we view the page source of the index page again we can see the code below. The code appears to contain a username of webadmin and a password of ‘Susy Slack,‘. However, this “exploit” requires us to use the user ‘admin' with the same password. Perhaps the developer was intentionally demonstrating password reuse.

<meta name="KeyWords"     content="laser,war,smart bombs,night vision aid">
<meta name="Author" content="webadmin: Susy Slack,
email [email protected]">

Anyway, if we look at the msgauth.php file we can see that it appears to be an authentication script. It is storing the user-submitted credentials into variables. The username is being stored in a variable named ‘$msg_username‘ and the password is being stored in ‘$msg_password‘. Further down the code, we can see that it is performing the following if statement to check the username and password. The format appears to be the same as the username and password we found in the index page.

if (ereg($msg_username . ": " . $msg_password . "\r*\n*$", $strLine, $regs))

Exploiting The Message System

Things get even more confusing. We can’t just submit the password to the form seen in the picture above. We have to intercept a request and modify it to post to a different PHP page with different parameters. Surely, if we are viewing the backup files of the site then we should just be able to submit the password to the internal messages system. It should be using the same PHP files with the same parameters. I have no idea how the first person to solve this mission did so.

If we capture a request to msgshow.php we can modify the following parameters to gain access to the messages. First, we need to change the POST request so that it posts to ‘msgauth.php‘ rather than ‘msgshow.php‘. Second, we need to change the password parameter to ‘msg_password‘ and the username parameter to 'msg_username‘. Third, we need to populate those parameters with ‘admin‘ for the username and ‘Susy%20Slack,' for the password. Finally, we need to add another parameter of filename and set it to ‘../../index.php‘.

Burp Repeater
Burp Repeater

Now if you send the request, you should see the message ‘set admin OK‘. I have no idea why this works or more importantly, why submitting the correct password to the ‘internal messages’ form doesn’t. Furthermore, why is the user listed as ‘webadmin‘ on the index page, but admin on the internal messages page. I admit that I’m not great at coding and perhaps it has been designed this way in order to make it challenging. However, to me, this doesn’t make much sense. Anyway, we can see the message that we’re intended to see in the image below.

Admin Message
Admin Message

Exploiting PHP Authentication

After all that work, we only receive a new directory to go visit. We could have found this directory using directory brute force tools like DIRB and Go-Buster. I’m not sure what I was expecting. Heading to the ‘admin_area‘ directory produces a forbidden message. With nowhere else to go, we need to head back to the backup file that we downloaded and decrypted. There is one file in there that we haven’t looked at, shell.php. If we head to ‘admin_area/shell.php‘ we get a login prompt. The previous credentials don’t work so let’s look at the code. The first thing to notice is that it tells us what the username is. The value of root is being passed to the ‘$shellUser_root‘ variable. Unfortunately, it looks like the password has been stripped out of the backup file but it is being passed to the ‘$shellPswd_root‘ variable.

Realistic 15 shell.php Code
shell.php Code

Additionally, if we look further down the code, we can see how authentication is being performed. I have no idea why this is vulnerable. PHP isn’t my strongest area but it’s something I intend on learning more in the future. What I do understand though is that there is an if statement that checks the value of ‘shellUser_root‘ and the md5 value of ‘shellPswd_root‘ and if they are correct it loads the page. The vulnerability is probably to do with the way that the script is passing the user-submitted values to the variables.

shell.php Authentication Mechanism
shell.php Authentication Mechanism

Anyway, if we load the shell.php page and submit ‘shellPswd_root‘ to the login form, we can force the application to return the hash on the proceeding error page. The steps to do this are to input the variable, click submit, then when the login form pops up again, click cancel.

shell.php Login
shell.php Login

After clicking cancel, you should get an error message saying Access denied. However, at the bottom of the message, there is some data that shouldn’t be there. It is the password hash that was removed from the backup file but remains in the actual shell.php file.

Error Message With Hash
Error Message With Hash

Cracking The Hash

The first thing you should know is that the password has been hashed to an MD5 and then that hash has been hashed again. You could attempt to crack this with John The Ripper or Hashcat. However, the quickest way to do it is by submitting it to Crackstation. Crackstation makes short work of the hash and as you can see from the image below, the password is foobar.

Realistic 15 Crackstation

With the hash cracked, we can log in to shell.php. We are greeted with a terminal that allows us to list out the contents of the directory. The output of the ls command shows us two PHP pages associated with patents. Accessing these pages requires credentials and none of the credentials we have obtained so far work. There is also a directory called test.

Web application terminal
Web application terminal

If we navigate to the test directory in our browser we can see that directory listing is enabled and there is a zip file we can download.

Directory Listing
Directory Listing

Buffer Overflow

If we download the zip file and open it with a text editor we can see that it is another authentication script. This script appears to be the authentication script for the viewpatents.php page. Furthermore, if we look closely at the script we can see that it is concatenating characters to 200. This means that there is a character limit on the input boxes.

Authentication Code
Authentication Code

This means we can perform a buffer overflow. By submitting more than 200 characters to the user input box we can escape the allocated memory amount and trick the application into letting us log in.

Buffer Overflow
Buffer Overflow

Once logged in there is another login form. Just kidding! that’s it. We’re done. Thank god.



I have none. I hated it.

Hack This Site: Realistic Web Mission – Level 14

Hello world, welcome to haxez where today we’re looking at Hack This Site Realistic Web Mission 14. Unfortunately, the mission currently appears to be broken so I was unable to solve it using the intended method. I would love for somebody to prove me wrong and show me how to complete this correctly. However, after hitting dead end after dead end I gave up and looked at a number of walkthroughs. The first guide I looked at was Aldeid’s. I also watched Chuck Moore’s youtube video and read this post on the official forums. All of these guides use a null byte to complete the mission. If you haven’t seen my other posts on the reality series you can do so here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 and, Part 8.

Realistic 14 Yuppers Internet Solutions
Yuppers Internet Solutions

Realistic 14 Introduction

We received a message from an unknown source who wants to expose Yuppers Internet Solutions for selling their user’s data. The anonymous client used to work as an intern for Yuppers but quit when they learned of their nefarious data selling activities. They weren’t able to escape with proof so they have asked us whether we’re able to hack in and find evidence of their data selling.

Realistic 14 Message From Unknown Client
Message From Unknown Client

Exploring The Realistic 14 Web Application

The website appears to have quite a bit going on. It has a search page, a news page, and a number of other pages. The web application appears to be using CGI scripts. CGI (common gateway interface) scripts are programs that execute as separate processes server-side.

Realistic 14 The Web Application
The Web Application

Web Application Exploitation – The Intended Way

As I mentioned, this mission appears to be broken. The intended way to complete this mission is to use a null byte on the news.cgi script. Using the null byte should reveal what files are in the root directory of the web application. With these files, you obtain further knowledge about the application which allows you to proceed to the next step. Unfortunately though, no matter what I tried, I couldn’t get the null byte to work. The news.cgi script has a parameter called story. The story parameter is responsible for calling news stories.

Realistic 14 URL

The screenshot below illustrates an example of the news story parameter being used to load a story. As you can see from the URL, the story parameter is calling the 1st story which is then displayed in the box below the search form.

Realistic 14 News Page — Story 1
News Page — Story 1

To exploit this cgi script, we were supposed to append a null byte to the story parameter story=.%00. The full stop means the current directory. Upon inputting the null byte and executing the URL, we were supposed to receive a list of the contents of the current directory. Similar to using an ls OS command injection that we have done in previous missions.

Null Byte Injection
Null Byte Injection

However, this method doesn’t work. I’ve tried it with various different directory traversals and have attempted to use other escape characters. They either produce the message “Failed to load ..news” or they produce an error message saying it received malformed input. I submitted over 100 different payloads using Burp Intruder and had no success.

Realistic 14 Error Message — Failed to load
Error Message — Failed to load

Realistic 14 Further Investigation

To back this up further, if we capture the request with Burp Suite and send it to the repeater tool we can test payloads quickly. The screenshot below shows that the null byte is failing to escape the CGI script as ..news is being appended to the “Failed to load” message. I tried URL encoding the payload and many other methods of getting the exploit to trigger but all were unsuccessful.

Burp Suite — Repeater
Burp Suite — Repeater

Web Application Exploitation – My Way

In order to progress further, we need to know the contents of the root directory. In order to do this another way, I used the tool DIRB with the -X flag to specify that I want to see all CGI files. Sure enough, DIRB found the administrator.cgi and the moderator.cgi scripts that are needed to move forward.


Unfortunately, there is no way to work around the next part of the mission. This part of the mission requires you to use a null byte to read the contents of the moderator.cgi script. I tried it with the other page parameters but ended up with the same results. The example URLs below should allow you to read the contents of the different scripts. Sadly, they do not work anymore.

URL to read moderator.cgi


URL to read administrator.cgi


Unfortunately, as you can see from the screenshot below, these just result in error messages. Without being able to see the contents of those scripts, there is no way to progress forward in the mission without looking up the answer.

Error Message — Failed To Load
Error Message — Failed To Load

Moving Forward

If the null byte exploit would have worked then we would have been able to see the contents of the CGI script. The CGI script would have contained a username called 'isadmin'. With this username, we can navigate to the moderator.cgi file and login.

Realistic 14 Moderator.cgi Login
Moderator.cgi Login

Upon logging in, we’re greeted with a moderator panel. The panel offers two options, View Account Info and View Email Traffic.

Moderator Panel
Moderator Panel

If we submit an asterisk or wildcard to the Account Info Page then we get a list of all the information for our current user. The first two entries are the username and password.

Account Details
Account Details

Web Application – Privledge Escalation

With this information, we can navigate back to the index page of the application and use the Web Permit login form to log in to the application as 'web guy'.

Log in page
Log in page

Upon logging in and accessing the administrator panel, we should complete the mission.



It’s a shame that this challenge appears to be broken. If it isn’t then I would like to offer my apologies to the Hack This Site Team for making false claims. However, based on the information I have gathered and demonstrated in this write-up, I believe it is broken. It is one of the only examples I’ve come across of null byte injection so it’s really disappointing that it no longer works. I hope it get’s fixed.